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Meanings for Aquila

The name of  a constellation in the Milky Way. The star altair is present in this constellation.
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the provincial capital of the Abruzzi region in central Italy
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a genus of Accipitridae
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Wiki content for Aquila

Examples of in a sentence

NYC's Aquila Theatre to present '1984' at IUP
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Aquila adds 43MW Finnish wind
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Pope: Aquila and Priscilla, persecuted Jews and Christians, lay evangelizers
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Deb Aquila/Tricia Wood
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Hailey Pruna and Annabelle Aquila lead the Florida Christian girls’ team soccer to win
Listen Hailey Pruna and Annabelle Aquila lead the Florida Christian girls’ team soccer to win pronunciation
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Trending news on Aquila

Pope: Aquila and Priscilla, persecuted Jews and Christians, lay evangelizers
The pontiff's commentary was related to the theme of today's catechesis: "Priscilla and Aquila took him with them" (Acts 18:26). A couple at the service of the Gospel (linked to the passage..View article
image-unavailable asianews.it
Aquila Theatre brings '1984' to Viroqua's Temple Theatre
In the throes of unprecedented challenges to privacy, truth, and personal expression, Aquila Theatre brings “1984,”George Orwell’s cautionary novel, to the stage for the Historic Temple Thea..View article
La Crosse Tribune La Crosse Tribune
Deb Aquila/Tricia Wood
EXCLUSIVE: Deb Aquila and Tricia Wood of the top tier casting office Aquila Wood Casting are leaving their exclusive five-year run at Lionsgate Films. The Artios Award winners will return to..View article
Deadline.com Deadline.com
NYC's Aquila Theatre to present '1984' at IUP
The Indiana University of Pennsylvania Lively Arts Ovations Series will bring George Orwell’s literature to life with a performance of “1984” from New York City’s Aquila Theatre. This powerf..View article
Indiana Gazette Indiana Gazette
Aquila adds 43MW Finnish wind
Aquila European Renewables Income Fund is to acquire a construction-ready wind farm in Finland with expected capacity over 43MW. The €36.7m deal with Korkeakangas Wind for the 43.2MW Korkeak..View article
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