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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈpɒləʤaɪz
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    Meanings for apologize

    An album song by Timbaland was released in 2007 that is available on Youtube music.
    0 rating rating ratings
    apologize in person
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    Express regret for something that one has done wrong.
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    Learn more about the word "apologize" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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    Examples of in a sentence

    Realize your mistakes and apologize
    58 ratings rating ratings
    Did ESPN's Stephen Smith need to apologize for saying women need to be aware of provocation? The Barbershop guys weigh in
    54 ratings rating ratings
    Giants Apologize for Loud Jay Z & Beyonce Concert at AT&T Park, Adjust ...
    45 ratings rating ratings
    Barnes was forced to apologize and recant; and Gardiner delivered a series of sermons at St Paul's Cross to counteract Barnes' invective.
    41 ratings rating ratings
    Embattled Minnesota Lawmaker Will Apologize to Colleague
    Listen Embattled Minnesota Lawmaker Will Apologize to Colleague pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    apologize should be in sentence

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    Trending news on apologize

    Carolina Panthers apologize to fans. Here’s why they sent a late-night ‘we’re sorry.’
    Listen Carolina Panthers apologize to fans. Here’s why they sent a late-night ‘we’re sorry.’ pronunciation
    The Carolina Panthers apologized to fans late Friday after personal information from some of their accounts with the NFL team may have been exposed to other fans, according to a team stateme..View article
    The Herald SC The Herald SC
    Apologize for the ABC? Attorney General Gurbir Grewal should have abolished it | Mulshine
    Listen Apologize for the ABC? Attorney General Gurbir Grewal should have abolished it | Mulshine pronunciation
    My most graphic memory of that dreaded bureaucracy called the state Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control occurred one fine summer day when I had just bought some beer at the local liquor s..View article
    image-unavailable NJ.com
    Activists: Duterte should apologize to Marawi evacuees for prolonged displacement
    Listen Activists: Duterte should apologize to Marawi evacuees for prolonged displacement pronunciation
    MARAWI CITY––President Duterte should apologize to thousands of Marawi residents unable to return to their homes and communities after being displaced by the five-month war in the city betwe..View article
    image-unavailable Philippine Daily Inquirer
    As repeat Program of the Year, Rockets 'don't apologize for being the best'
    Listen As repeat Program of the Year, Rockets 'don't apologize for being the best' pronunciation
    A handful of Unity athletes — some of them 2021 graduates — represented the school Thursday during its second consecutive victory in The News-Gazette's Program of the Year chase.
    The News-Gazette The News-Gazette
    Stallard: Biles shouldn't apologize for being human
    Listen Stallard: Biles shouldn't apologize for being human pronunciation
    The memory of the day I finally succumbed to family struggles and illness — and expectations that were probably a little too lofty for a 12-year-old kid — came flooding back to me this past..View article
    Longview News-Journal Longview News-Journal
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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