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Meanings for apia

A minimally populated capital is located in Samoa.
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Wiki content for apia

Apia - Apia is the capital and the largest city of Samoa. From 1900 to 1919, it was the capital of German Samoa.
Apiaceae - Apiaceae or Umbelliferae is a family of mostly aromatic flowering plants named after the type genus Apium and commonly known as the celery, carrot or parsley family, or simply as umbellifers.
APIA Leichhardt Tigers FC - APIA Leichhardt Tigers Football Club, also known simply as APIA, is a semi-professional soccer club based in the suburb of Leichhardt in Sydney, Australia.
Apiary - An apiary (also known as a bee yard) is a location where beehives of honey bees are kept. Apiaries come in many sizes and can be rural or urban depending on the honey production operation.
Apiary Laboratory - The Apiary Laboratory, more often referred to as the Apiary, is a research laboratory at the University of Massachusetts Amherst.
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Examples of in a sentence

David Anderson, Parliamentary Secretary to the Minister of Foreign Affairs, will travel to Apia, Samoa, to participate in the Third International Conference on Small Island Developing States (SIDS) from September 1 to 4, 2014
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Aman, Menteri LuarNegeri akan mengadakan lawatan kerja ke Apia, Samoa dari 1 hingga 4 September2014 untuk menghadiri Persidangan Antarabangsa Ke-3 Negara-Negara MembangunKepulauan Kecil (Small Island Developing States – SIDS)
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The Auckland Property Investors’ Association (APIA) rejects characterisation by the New Zealand Institute Of Economic Research (NZIER) of New Zealand being ‘one of the least renter-friendly regimes in the OECD’
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He says they chiefly reverence Tahiti (Hestia), next Papaeus and his wife Apia (Zeus and Ge), then Oitosyros (Apollo) and Argimpasa (Aphrodite Urania).
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