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Pronunciation of Ants with 3 audio pronunciations
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IPA : ænts
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Meanings for Ants

This is a species of insects in the family Formicidae found worldwide except some islands and places like Antarctica, Iceland, etc.,
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Wiki content for Ants

Ant - Ants are eusocial insects of the family Formicidae and, along with the related wasps and bees, belong to the order Hymenoptera.
Antsirabe - Antsirabe (Malagasy pronunciation: [anˌtsiraˈbe]) is the third largest city in Madagascar and the capital of the Vakinankaratra region, with a population of 257,163 in 2014. In Madagascar, An
Antes (people) - The Antes or Antae (Greek: Áνται) were an early East Slavic tribal polity which existed in the 6th century lower Danube, on the regions around the Don river (Middle- and Southern Russia) and
Antsiranana - Antsiranana (Malagasy: Antsiran̈ana Malagasy pronunciation: [antsʲˈraŋanə̥]), named Diego-Suarez prior to 1975, is a city in the far north of Madagascar.
Ants Laaneots - Ants Laaneots (born 16 January 1948) is an Estonian politician and former military officer. He was previously the Commander of the Estonian Defence Forces and a veteran officer in the Soviet
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Examples of in a sentence

Are ants the answer to carbon dioxide sequestration?
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Red Ants descend on Joubert Park
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Plundering the fungal factories of ants for new drugs
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Restoration Stage and their production team hope to convey an authentic yet unique look at the African American male experience in their current show, “Chocolate Covered Ants,” appearing through Aug
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Ants, giant mesquite bugs and a stick-like flower
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Translations of Ants

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