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Antonio Tarver

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Pronunciation of Antonio Tarver with 1 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of Antonio Tarver

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Meanings for Antonio Tarver

Antonio Deon Tarver was born in 1968 and is a former American boxer and the boxing commender who won many championships in his career.
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Examples of in a sentence

Heavyweight Antonio Tarver, the former light heavyweight champion, will make his return to the ring following a 10-month layoff to face Johnathon Banks, who will end a 15-month layoff, as they each look to get into contention
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5-time world boxing champion Antonio Tarver opens training center in Tampa
Listen 5-time world boxing champion Antonio Tarver opens training center in Tampa pronunciation
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Former boxing champion Antonio Tarver accused of punching girlfriend's son over Waffle House bill
Listen Former boxing champion Antonio Tarver accused of punching girlfriend's son over Waffle House bill pronunciation
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Trending news on Antonio Tarver

Former boxing champion Antonio Tarver accused of punching girlfriend's son over Waffle House bill
Listen Former boxing champion Antonio Tarver accused of punching girlfriend's son over Waffle House bill pronunciation
LAND O'LAKES — Former world-champion boxer Antonio Tarver was arrested Monday, after deputies said he punched his girlfriend's teenage son in the face in a dispute over a Waffle House bill.
image-unavailable Tampa Bay Times
5-time world boxing champion Antonio Tarver opens training center in Tampa
Listen 5-time world boxing champion Antonio Tarver opens training center in Tampa pronunciation
Former light heavyweight world champion Antonio Tarver unveil his new Signature Punch training center forl boxers this week in Tampa.
The Ledger The Ledger

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Antonyms for Antonio Tarver

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Translations of Antonio Tarver

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