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Pronunciation of anti with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈæntɪ
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Phonetic spelling of anti

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Meanings for anti

It's a term that is used to oppose something.
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Wiki content for anti

Examples of in a sentence

Latest from Mormon Land: Conspiracy theories are turning some Latter-day Saints into anti-vaxxers
Listen Latest from Mormon Land: Conspiracy theories are turning some Latter-day Saints into anti-vaxxers pronunciation
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Prince Andrew becomes 1 target of anti-monarchy campaign in UK
Listen Prince Andrew becomes 1 target of anti-monarchy campaign in UK pronunciation
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The anti-social network
Listen The anti-social network pronunciation
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"There's a lot of fear": Northern Idaho's anti-government streak hampers covid fight
Listen "There's a lot of fear": Northern Idaho's anti-government streak hampers covid fight pronunciation
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Another Anti-Vaccine Radio Host Is Killed By Covid—Adding To A Growing List
Listen Another Anti-Vaccine Radio Host Is Killed By Covid—Adding To A Growing List pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of anti

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Trending news on anti

Latest from Mormon Land: Conspiracy theories are turning some Latter-day Saints into anti-vaxxers
Listen Latest from Mormon Land: Conspiracy theories are turning some Latter-day Saints into anti-vaxxers pronunciation
In the latest news in and about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, conspiracy theories are scaring off Latter-day Saint anti-vaxxers, and pop singer Donny Osmond reveals how a..View article
The Salt Lake Tribune on MSN.com The Salt Lake Tribune on MSN.com
Facebook Removes Accounts Tied to German Anti-Lockdown Group
Listen Facebook Removes Accounts Tied to German Anti-Lockdown Group pronunciation
Facebook Inc. has removed a network of user accounts from its core site and Instagram tied to Querdenken, a movement in Germany that opposes Covid-19 measures like wearing masks and imposed..View article
Bloomberg Bloomberg
Apple shareholders press company to reverse 'anti-competitive repair policies'
Listen Apple shareholders press company to reverse 'anti-competitive repair policies' pronunciation
A recently filed Apple shareholder resolution is pressuring the company to reverse its "anti-repair practices," which it says conflicts with Apple's reputation as a climate leader.
AppleInsider AppleInsider
Tim James regurgitates anti-critical race theory, transgenderism and yoga sermon like a ‘beast with three heads’
Listen Tim James regurgitates anti-critical race theory, transgenderism and yoga sermon like a ‘beast with three heads’ pronunciation
Tim James came out of hibernation yesterday, stalked over to the state Capitol and spit out a sermon like a snake handling preacher. Instead of tossing around poisonous snakes, he regurgitat..View article
al.com al.com
Facebook bans German anti-lockdown accounts under new ‘social harm’ policy
Listen Facebook bans German anti-lockdown accounts under new ‘social harm’ policy pronunciation
Facebook removed almost 150 accounts and pages linked to anti-lockdown demonstrators in Germany, the company announced Thursday, under a new policy
MarketWatch on MSN.com MarketWatch on MSN.com
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