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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈæntənɪ ˈæntənɪ
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Learn Anthony pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Anthony in English

    Phonetic spelling of Anthony

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    an-tuh-nee for 1, 2; an-thuh-nee for 3; an-thuh-nee
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    Meanings for Anthony

    It is a film, which was directed by Terry McDonough.
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    Wiki content for Anthony

    Anthony - Anthony may refer to:
    Anthony Eden - Robert Anthony Eden, 1st Earl of Avon, (12 June 1897 – 14 January 1977) was a British Conservative politician who served three periods as Foreign Secretary and then a relatively brief term a
    Anthony Bourdain - Anthony Michael Bourdain (; June 25, 1956 – June 8, 2018) was an American celebrity chef, author, and travel documentarian who starred in programs focusing on the exploration of international
    Antonin Scalia - Antonin Gregory Scalia ( (listen) March 11, 1936 – February 13, 2016) was an American lawyer, jurist, government official, and academic who served as an Associate Justice of the Supreme Cour
    Anthony Davis - Anthony Marshon Davis Jr. (born March 11, 1993) is an American professional basketball player for the Los Angeles Lakers of the National Basketball Association (NBA).
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    Examples of in a sentence

    St. Anthony Foundation provides hope
    Listen St. Anthony Foundation provides hope pronunciation
    298 ratings rating ratings
    U.S. Supreme Court eases government ability to seize property
    Listen U.S. Supreme Court eases government ability to seize property pronunciation
    277 ratings rating ratings
    Anthony Scaramucci leaves role as US White House communications director after ten days
    Listen Anthony Scaramucci leaves role as US White House communications director after ten days pronunciation
    259 ratings rating ratings
    Four Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers killed in raid
    Listen Four Royal Canadian Mounted Police officers killed in raid pronunciation
    213 ratings rating ratings
    New Zealand journalist deported from Fiji
    Listen New Zealand journalist deported from Fiji pronunciation
    192 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Anthony

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    Trending news on Anthony

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    Listen Anthony Averett ‘has All-Pro talent’ in backup role for Ravens pronunciation
    Anthony Averett ’s NFL career has resembled his time at Alabama so far. If that continues, then the cornerback is about to take off in 2021, and Baltimore Ravens defensive coordinator Don “W..View article
    al.com al.com
    N.J.’s Anthony Volpe blows by Jasson Dominguez in Yankees prospect rankings: ‘He’s been incredible’
    Listen N.J.’s Anthony Volpe blows by Jasson Dominguez in Yankees prospect rankings: ‘He’s been incredible’ pronunciation
    Jasson Dominguez has been dethroned. Anthony Volpe, the Jersey-born shortstop who is having a sensational first full minor-league season, is the new No. 1 in the Yankees’ prospect rankings,..View article
    NJ.com on MSN.com NJ.com on MSN.com
    Anthony Anderson Feels Like 'the Black Susan Lucci' After Earning His 7th Acting Emmy Nomination
    Listen Anthony Anderson Feels Like 'the Black Susan Lucci' After Earning His 7th Acting Emmy Nomination pronunciation
    Anthony Anderson is hopeful that 2021 will be the year he takes home his first Emmy Award. The black-ish actor, 51, scored his seventh acting Emmy Award nomination for lead actor in a comedy..View article
    YAHOO!News YAHOO!News
    It’s all about slowing down for speedy Browns rookie Anthony Schwartz
    Listen It’s all about slowing down for speedy Browns rookie Anthony Schwartz pronunciation
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    Cleveland.com Cleveland.com
    Anthony Mackie to reportedly star in Captain America 4
    Listen Anthony Mackie to reportedly star in Captain America 4 pronunciation
    Anthony Mackie has reportedly closed a deal to star in Captain America 4 Your comment has been submitted. Reported There was a problem reporting this. Log In Please keep it clean, turn off C..View article
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