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Meanings for antananarivo

It is the Capital of Madagascar that is known for its nightclubs, art venues, and medical services.
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Examples of in a sentence

Madagascar President resigns, unclear rule in Antananarivo
Listen Madagascar President resigns, unclear rule in Antananarivo pronunciation
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And Mal.-Eng.), (Antananarivo, i 835); Daimon d, Vocabulaire et grammaire pour les langues malgaches, Sakalava et Betsimisara (Bourbon, 1842); R.
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The following table gives the mean of two different sets of government returns of mean rainfall: Antananarivo, 1369 mm.; Tamatave, E.
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The capital, Antananarivo (pop. 69,000), in the highlands of Imerina, and Tamatave (pop. 4600), on the east coast and the chief seaport, are separately described.
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Tamatave and Antananarivo are joined by coast canals and lakes and by a railway service.
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Trending news on antananarivo

Third International Day of Diplomats celebrated in Madagascar's capital Antananarivo
Antananarivo [Madagascar], Oct 26 (ANI): Third International Day of Diplomats was celebrated in Madagascar's capital Antananarivo with the participation of the Ambassadors of the United Stat..View article
image-unavailable Yahoo! India News
Antananarivo united for lemurs
Like every last Friday of October, lemurs are celebrated all over the world. Thus, almost a thousand people participated in the great carnival of the lemurs of Antananarivo on October 25. Va..View article
image-unavailable WWF Panda
Antananarivo: Paris with Rice Paddies
It's only eight miles from Ivato international airport to the center of Madagascar's capital, Antananarivo, but the journey on a crowded two-lane highway can take an hour, often longer. Afte..View article
Newsweek Newsweek
Nigeria: 2023 Pre World Cup Qualifiers - Nigeria Rugby Names Squad, Arrive Antananarivo
Coach Bronson Weir has announced the Nigeria Rugby Men's Fifteens squad that will be on duty against Madagascar in Antananarivo on Sunday. This encounter is the last match of the elimination..View article
AllAfrica.com AllAfrica.com
Nigeria Rugby names squad, arrive in Antananarivo for 2023 Pre World Cup Qualifiers
Coach Bronson Weir announced the Nigeria Rugby Men’s Fifteens squad that will be on duty against Madagascar in Antananarivo on Sunday. This encounter is the last match of elimination stage o..View article
CNBC Africa CNBC Africa

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