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Pronunciation of anomaly with 3 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈnɒməlɪ
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Phonetic spelling of anomaly

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Meanings for anomaly

weather anomalies
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temperature anomaly
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congenital anomaly
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a person who is unusual
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(astronomy) position of a planet as defined by its angular distance from its perihelion (as observed from the sun)
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Synonyms for anomaly

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Wiki content for anomaly

Examples of in a sentence

Lecrae Releases 'Heard Nuthin' Followup Single 'All I Need is You'; 'Anomaly ...
56 ratings rating ratings
Can you use the liquidity anomaly to increase your returns?
52 ratings rating ratings
Law Column: Echo case highlights legal anomaly
48 ratings rating ratings
Germany rejects calls to stop tax anomaly before 2017
44 ratings rating ratings
P&G Moves Duracell to Anomaly
40 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of anomaly

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Trending news on anomaly

Football: West Ham win an anomaly in meek relegation battle
Listen Football: West Ham win an anomaly in meek relegation battle pronunciation
Until West Ham United's 3-2 home win over Chelsea on Wednesday, restart had certainly not amounted to a fresh start for the club's languishing at
Channel NewsAsia Singapore Channel NewsAsia Singapore
98 face raps over SAP anomaly in Western Visayas
Listen 98 face raps over SAP anomaly in Western Visayas pronunciation
The Criminal Investigation and Detection Group filed charges against 98 barangay officials and civilians in Western Visayas over alleged anomalies in the implementation of the government’s s..View article
philstar.com philstar.com
Cape York tourism businesses face ruined school holiday trade due to restriction anomaly
Listen Cape York tourism businesses face ruined school holiday trade due to restriction anomaly pronunciation
While tourism operators across Queensland look forward to a much-needed boost over the school holidays, a "silly anomaly" has left one region with the prospect of no bookings at all.
Australian Broadcasting Corporation Australian Broadcasting Corporation
Alexis Networks launches One-Click AIaaS platform solving Anomaly Detection at the speed of business
Listen Alexis Networks launches One-Click AIaaS platform solving Anomaly Detection at the speed of business pronunciation
Alexis Networks, Inc., announced a breakthrough in AI/ML with the launch of Alexis AI As A Service platform that has One-Click
PR Newswire PR Newswire
Valence proton could play a key role in oxygen neutron drip line anomaly
Listen Valence proton could play a key role in oxygen neutron drip line anomaly pronunciation
Adding a single proton to a doubly magic isotope of oxygen is enough to significantly alter its properties, an international team of physicists has discovered. Led by Tsz Leung Tang at the U..View article
Physics World Physics World
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anomaly pronunciation with meanings, synonyms, antonyms, translations, sentences and more

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