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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈænjʊlə
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Meanings for annular

A song by Britteny Fluin, that was released in 2020.

Synonyms for annular

Learn more about the word "annular" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

Examples of in a sentence

The amplitude of the light at any point in the axis, when plane waves are incident perpendicularly upon an annular aperture, is, as above, cos k(at-r 1)-cos k(at-r 2) =2 sin kat sin k(r1-r2), r2, r i being the distances of the outer and inner boundaries from the point in question.
The amplitude of the phase is 1�1 magnitude; and the absence of any stationary interval at minimum proves the eclipse to be partial, not annular.
In these annular spaces there are suspended by springs two light coils of fine copper wire, capable of being moved vertically, and connected in such a manner as to be traversed by the two variable line currents from the transmitter.
Such a vascular cylinder is called a haplostele, and the axis containing it is said to be haplostelic. In the stele of the root the strands of tracheids along the lines where the xylem touches the pericycle are spiral or annular, and are the xylem elements first formed when the cylinder is developin

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