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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈnaɪəleɪt
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Meanings for annihilate

Destroy completely, reduce to nothing.
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Examples of in a sentence

Israel declines appeals to sign Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
Listen Israel declines appeals to sign Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty pronunciation
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Wikinews investigates the reconstruction of Pichilemu, Chile after February earthquake
Listen Wikinews investigates the reconstruction of Pichilemu, Chile after February earthquake pronunciation
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DOYLE Announces Annihilate America Tour
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The Persian troops dared not attack the Greeks, but decoyed them into the interior, beyond the Tigris, and tried to annihilate them by treachery.
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In this he praised the authors of the September massacres as deserving well of their country, and declared that a more complete September 2nd was needed to annihilate the actual government, which consisted of starvers, bloodsuckers, tyrants, hangmen, rogues and mountebanks.
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Trending news on annihilate

Pompeo has vowed to annihilate all of Iran’s JCPOA benefits: former French envoy
Listen Pompeo has vowed to annihilate all of Iran’s JCPOA benefits: former French envoy pronunciation
A: The answer is very simple. Once and for all, Mike Pompeo has vowed to annihilate all the benefits that Iran could draw from the JCPOA. This is why, after the sanctions on practically all..View article
Tehran Times Tehran Times
Vatican joins gender identity debate: it can “annihilate the concept of nature and destabilize the family institution”
Listen Vatican joins gender identity debate: it can “annihilate the concept of nature and destabilize the family institution” pronunciation
It speaks of an “educational crisis” and says the current debate can “annihilate the concept of nature” and destabilize the family institution. The document, released during Pride month ...
image-unavailable Uruguay News
807 HP 2021 Dodge Challenger SRT Super Stock Promises To Annihilate All Other Muscle Cars
Listen 807 HP 2021 Dodge Challenger SRT Super Stock Promises To Annihilate All Other Muscle Cars pronunciation
FCA has just introduced a whole bunch of new cars, and the Dodge Challenger SRT Super Stock is probably the most impressive of them all. Named after the Super Stock class of vehicles in drag..View article
Carscoops Carscoops
Atalanta annihilate Brescia to move second
Listen Atalanta annihilate Brescia to move second pronunciation
Atalanta romped Brescia 6-2 in their Serie A clash on Tuesday (AEST), moving the Orobici into second place on the table.
Elis Annihilate Crimson by Record 54-0
Listen Elis Annihilate Crimson by Record 54-0 pronunciation
NEW HAVEN, Nov. 23--Some well-spirited Yalie walking out of the Bowl just described this afternoon's exhibition as "Yale's greatest triumph of the century." For his information, the followin..View article
The Harvard Crimson The Harvard Crimson
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