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Phonetic spelling of Annapolis

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Meanings for Annapolis

It is the capital city of Maryland. It is known for its 18th-century architecture.
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Wiki content for Annapolis

Annapolis, Maryland - Annapolis () is the capital of the U.S. state of Maryland, as well as the county seat of Anne Arundel County.
Annapolis Royal - Annapolis Royal, formerly known as Port Royal, is a town located in the western part of Annapolis County, Nova Scotia, Canada.
Annapolis Conference - The Annapolis Conference was a Middle East peace conference held on 27 November 2007, at the United States Naval Academy in Annapolis, Maryland, United States.
Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad - The Annapolis and Elk Ridge Railroad, later the Annapolis, Washington and Baltimore Railroad, once provided rail service to Annapolis, Maryland and was one of the earliest railroads in the U.
Annapolis High School (Maryland) - Annapolis High School is an American high school located in the Parole census-designated place in Anne Arundel County, Maryland, near Annapolis.
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Examples of in a sentence

Shimon Peres discusses the future of Israel
Listen Shimon Peres discusses the future of Israel pronunciation
269 ratings rating ratings
2006 U.S. Congressional Elections
Listen 2006 U.S. Congressional Elections pronunciation
250 ratings rating ratings
Bush speaks of goals for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, decries calls for timetable
Listen Bush speaks of goals for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, decries calls for timetable pronunciation
230 ratings rating ratings
Bush's Iraq 'Strategy' seen as public relations exercise
Listen Bush's Iraq 'Strategy' seen as public relations exercise pronunciation
211 ratings rating ratings
Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meet formally
Listen Israeli and Palestinian negotiators meet formally pronunciation
192 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Annapolis

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Trending news on Annapolis

'This is only the beginning' | Family of Houston mother shot to death in Annapolis issues statement after arrest made in case
Listen 'This is only the beginning' | Family of Houston mother shot to death in Annapolis issues statement after arrest made in case pronunciation
Police said 29-year-old Angelo Harrod is now charged with first- and second-degree murder in connection with the shooting death of Michelle Cummings.
‘This is a really bittersweet day’: Jury finds Capital Gazette gunman criminally responsible in Annapolis newsroom shooting
Listen ‘This is a really bittersweet day’: Jury finds Capital Gazette gunman criminally responsible in Annapolis newsroom shooting pronunciation
Three years and 17 days after the mass shooting, an Anne Arundel County jury ruled Thursday the man who killed five Capital Gazette employees was sane during the attack that shocked the tigh..View article
Sun Sentinel Sun Sentinel
Annapolis man charged in fatal shooting of Michelle Cummings
Listen Annapolis man charged in fatal shooting of Michelle Cummings pronunciation
ANNAPOLIS, Maryland (WBAL) -- Annapolis police on Wednesday announced an arrest in the homicide of Michelle Cummings, who was struck and killed by stray bullets from a nearby shooting. Angel..View article
Anne Arundel County Public Library System Opens Community Pantry in Westfield Annapolis Mall
Listen Anne Arundel County Public Library System Opens Community Pantry in Westfield Annapolis Mall pronunciation
The Anne Arundel County Public Library system opened what officials said was the first of its kind community pantry Saturday at its Discoveries: The Library at the Mall location in Westfield..View article
CBS Local on MSN.com CBS Local on MSN.com
Annapolis City Council Votes To Pass ‘Medicare For All Act Of 2021’
Listen Annapolis City Council Votes To Pass ‘Medicare For All Act Of 2021’ pronunciation
The City Council of Annapolis announced the passing of The Medicare For All Act of 2021. This is the first resolution in Maryland State Capitol history in support of Federal Bill H.R. 1976.
CBS Local on MSN.com CBS Local on MSN.com
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