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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈæŋglɪə
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Wiki content for anglia

Anglia - Anglia may refer to:
Anglia Ruskin University - Anglia Ruskin University (ARU) is a public university in East Anglia, United Kingdom. It has its origins in the Cambridge School of Art, founded by William John Beamont in 1858. It became a u
Anglian Combination - The Anglian Combination Football League is an English football league that operates in the East Anglia area.
Anglian Water - Anglian Water is a water company that operates in the East of England. Anglian Water is regulated under the United Kingdom Water Industry Act 1991.
Anglia (peninsula) - Anglia (German and Low Saxon: Angeln, Danish and South Jutlandic: Angel) is a small peninsula within the larger Jutland (Cimbric) Peninsula in the region of Southern Schleswig, which constitu
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Examples of in a sentence

After the death of Ragnar LObrok's sons East Anglia was occupied by the Danish king Guthrum, who made a treaty with Alfred settling their respective boundaries, probably about 880.
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Scott, but there seems no reason to ascribe to him with Clement Walker the authorship of Sprigge's Anglia Rediviva.
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He obtained a doctorate from the University of East Anglia in 1983.
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Many Anabaptist communities existed in England toward the end of the 16th century, particularly in East Anglia, Kent and London.
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Anglia Weather: Storms gradually dying away
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