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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈænɪkdəʊt ˈænɪkdəʊt
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    Meanings for anecdote

    Anecdote is a word that refers to a short interesting story about a real incident.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    He early became a Protestant champion, and the one extant anecdote of his youth occurs in his address to the Godly and Christian reader prefixed to his Plaine Discovery.
    64 ratings rating ratings
    Your next door neighbor will have an amusing anecdote about how a teaspoon of Jack Daniels absolutely cured her kids' teething issues.
    54 ratings rating ratings
    See John Quick's MS. Icones Sacrae Anglicanae, which gives the fisherman anecdote on the personal authority of one who was present; Life by Nethenus prefixed to collected edition of Latin works (5 vols., Amsterdam, 1658); Winwood's Memorials, vol.
    49 ratings rating ratings
    Chris Rock Shared A Heartbreaking Anecdote About The Last Time He Hung Out With Chris Farley
    Listen Chris Rock Shared A Heartbreaking Anecdote About The Last Time He Hung Out With Chris Farley pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Biden’s touching Amtrak anecdote about conductor visiting mom on train unravels… as she had already DIED
    Listen Biden’s touching Amtrak anecdote about conductor visiting mom on train unravels… as she had already DIED pronunciation
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    Trending news on anecdote

    Real Estate Rumors: Lennar, Anecdote Candles, MetLife
    Listen Real Estate Rumors: Lennar, Anecdote Candles, MetLife pronunciation
    Law360 (May 4, 2021, 7:54 PM EDT) -- Lennar Corp. is hoping to build 75 townhomes on part of a former golf course in Miami, the South Florida Business Journal reported Tuesday. The homebuild..View article
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    Amrish Puri 'stormed off' set because co-star couldn't memorise lines; grandson Vardhan recalls anecdote
    Listen Amrish Puri 'stormed off' set because co-star couldn't memorise lines; grandson Vardhan recalls anecdote pronunciation
    Vardhan Puri has shared some anecdotes about his late grandfather, the iconic actor Amrish Puri, that he has picked up over the years from his granddad's old colleagues. Vardhan said that th..View article
    image-unavailable Hindustan Times
    Biden's Amtrak anecdote derailed by conflicting details
    Listen Biden's Amtrak anecdote derailed by conflicting details pronunciation
    An anecdote that President Joe Biden shared last week to mark the 50th anniversary of Amtrak has come under scrutiny due to inconsistencies that make the story impossible to have unfolded as..View article
    image-unavailable Washington Examiner
    Kate Middleton’s sweet anecdote about Prince Louis is extremely relatable
    Listen Kate Middleton’s sweet anecdote about Prince Louis is extremely relatable pronunciation
    The Cambridges are undoubtedly one of the most talked-about families in the world. Following their role elevation over the coronavirus pandemic and their Kate Middleton has opened up about P..View article
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    Mike Pompeo mercilessly ripped over bizarre CIA ‘sexuality’ anecdote
    Listen Mike Pompeo mercilessly ripped over bizarre CIA ‘sexuality’ anecdote pronunciation
    Former US secretary of state Mike Pompeo has been relentlessly mocked on Twitter for a bizarre anecdote about spies, sexuality and inclusion that “definitely happened”. On Tuesday (4 May ...
    image-unavailable PinkNews
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