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IPA : ˈæŋkəraɪt
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Phonetic spelling of anchorite

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Meanings for anchorite

one withdrawn from the world for religious reasons
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one retired from society for religious reasons
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Synonyms for anchorite

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Examples of in a sentence

Some observers lay the blame at th door of Buddhism, a creed which promotes pessimism by beget ting the anchorite, the ascetic and the shuddering believer ii seven hells.
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778, is the work of John, the anchorite of Beth Mari Qanon, a monastery of Ma'arrath Meven city in the district of Antioch.
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The earliest Christian monastic communities (see MoNASTtersM) with which we are acquainted consisted of groups of cells or huts collected about a common centre, which was usually the abode of some anchorite celebrated for superior holiness or singular asceticism, but without any attempt at orderly a
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It contains four monasteries, the remains of the famous anchorite settlement of Nitriae.
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ARSENIUS (c. 354-450), an anchorite, said to have been born of a noble Roman family, who achieved a high reputation for his knowledge of Greek and Roman literature.
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anchorite should be in sentence

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