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Learn how to pronounce Amsterdam


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Pronunciation of Amsterdam with 8 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˌæmstəˈdæm
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Phonetic spelling of Amsterdam

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Meanings for Amsterdam

It is the capital of the Netherlands that is known for its artistic nature and heritage.
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Synonyms for Amsterdam

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Quiz on Amsterdam


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Examples of in a sentence

World’s first 3D-printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam
Listen World’s first 3D-printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam pronunciation
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Dutch technology startup MX3D completes world’s first 3D printed stainless steel bridge over an Amsterdam canal
Listen Dutch technology startup MX3D completes world’s first 3D printed stainless steel bridge over an Amsterdam canal pronunciation
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3D-printed bridge opens in Amsterdam
Listen 3D-printed bridge opens in Amsterdam pronunciation
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Troopers: Domestic at Amsterdam Walmart leads to AR-15 in car, Broadalbin man’s arrest
Listen Troopers: Domestic at Amsterdam Walmart leads to AR-15 in car, Broadalbin man’s arrest pronunciation
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Long-awaited 3D-printed stainless steel bridge opens in Amsterdam
Listen Long-awaited 3D-printed stainless steel bridge opens in Amsterdam pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Translations of Amsterdam

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Trending news on Amsterdam

The world's first 3D-printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam
Listen The world's first 3D-printed steel bridge unveiled in Amsterdam pronunciation
Amsterdam is home to the world's first 3D-printed bridge, installed over the infamous Red Light District, used welding robots.
TweakTown TweakTown
First 3D-printed bridge opens to public in Amsterdam
Listen First 3D-printed bridge opens to public in Amsterdam pronunciation
The world's first 3D printed bridge was unveiled in Amsterdam's Red Light District on Thursday. The bridge -- weighing just over 9,900 pounds -- was created by torch-wielding robotic arms th..View article
UPI.com UPI.com
Check out the World’s First 3D Printed Steel Bridge Installed in Amsterdam
Listen Check out the World’s First 3D Printed Steel Bridge Installed in Amsterdam pronunciation
Amsterdam recently inaugurated the world's first-ever 3D printed bridge built by four robots by using 4,500kg of stainless steel.
Beebom Beebom
AMSTERDAM TRADE BANK INCREASES INVESTMENT VOLUME VIA CREDITSHELF PLATFORM TO EUR 60 MN - Amsterdam Trade Bank expands debt funding on creditshelf platform by EUR 20 mn, now totali
image-unavailable dgap.de
Sheriff: Amsterdam mini-market cited in underage alcohol sale sting; 13 others in Montgomery County pass
Listen Sheriff: Amsterdam mini-market cited in underage alcohol sale sting; 13 others in Montgomery County pass pronunciation
An Amsterdam market was cited in a recent countywide underage alcohol sale sting, accused of selling alcohol to a minor, but 13 other businesses passed and did not sell, sheriff'
The Daily Gazette The Daily Gazette
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