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Learn how to pronounce ammonium nitrate

ammonium nitrate

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Pronunciation of ammonium nitrate with 1 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of ammonium nitrate

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Meanings for ammonium nitrate

used as an explosive and fertilizer and rocket propellant
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Synonyms for ammonium nitrate

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Learn more about the word "ammonium nitrate" , its origin, alternative forms, and usage from Wiktionary.

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Examples of in a sentence

Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled deadly Beirut explosion
Listen Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled deadly Beirut explosion pronunciation
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Beirut ammonium nitrate explosion kills 100 and leaves over 4,000 injured
Listen Beirut ammonium nitrate explosion kills 100 and leaves over 4,000 injured pronunciation
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Ammonium nitrate: what is the chemical blamed for blast in Lebanese capital?
Listen Ammonium nitrate: what is the chemical blamed for blast in Lebanese capital? pronunciation
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Ammonium nitrate stored at site of massive Beirut explosion: Officials
Listen Ammonium nitrate stored at site of massive Beirut explosion: Officials pronunciation
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What Is Ammonium Nitrate And How Did It Devastate Beirut?
Listen What Is Ammonium Nitrate And How Did It Devastate Beirut? pronunciation
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Translations of ammonium nitrate

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Trending news on ammonium nitrate

Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled deadly Beirut explosion
Listen Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled deadly Beirut explosion pronunciation
Fireworks and ammonium nitrate appear to have been the fuel that ignited a massive explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut, experts and videos of the blast suggest. The scale of..View article
Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled Beirut explosion | Charlotte Observer
Listen Fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled Beirut explosion | Charlotte Observer pronunciation
Experts and video footage suggest that fireworks and ammonium nitrate were the fuel that ignited a massive explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut on Tuesday.
Charlotte Observer Charlotte Observer
Experts suggest fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled Beirut explosion
Listen Experts suggest fireworks, ammonium nitrate likely fueled Beirut explosion pronunciation
Fireworks and ammonium nitrate appear to have been the fuel that ignited a massive explosion that rocked the Lebanese capital of Beirut, experts and videos of the blast suggest. The scale of..View article
Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) Market Size 2020 Global Market , Analysis, , Research, Business Growth and Forecast to 2024 Market Reports World
Listen Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) Market Size 2020 Global Market , Analysis, , Research, Business Growth and Forecast to 2024 Market Reports World pronunciation
Jul 07, 2020 (The Expresswire) -- Global Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN) Market Report 2020 -2024 contains systematic and point to point information regarding to Urea Ammonium Nitrate (UAN ...
MarketWatch MarketWatch
Global Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) Market (COVID-19 Impact Analysis) – Latest Industry Research and Future Growth Outlook 2027
Listen Global Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) Market (COVID-19 Impact Analysis) – Latest Industry Research and Future Growth Outlook 2027 pronunciation
For success of business at local, regional as well as international level, this high quality Global Ceric Ammonium Nitrate (CAN) Market research report is a definitive solution. The report ...View article
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