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Phonetic spelling of Amaya

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Meanings for Amaya

Night Rain
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Spanish feminine name.
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a plac
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Amaya- beloved; heavenly valley
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Amaya- beloved; heavenly valley. Arabic/English origin
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Wiki content for Amaya

Amaya - Amaya may refer to:
Amaya (TV series) - Amaya is a Philippine television drama period series broadcast by GMA Network. Directed by Mac Alejandre, it stars Marian Rivera in the title role.
Amaya (web editor) - Amaya (formerly Amaya World) is a discontinued free and open source WYSIWYG web authoring tool with browsing abilities.
Amaya Valdemoro - Amaya Valdemoro Madariaga (born August 18, 1976 in Alcobendas, Community of Madrid) is a former Spanish basketball player.
Amaya Alonso - Amaya Alonso is a Spanish Paralmpic swimmer who has represented her counter at the 2008 and 2012 Summer Paralympics.
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Examples of in a sentence

Amaya shareholders approve Rational Group acquisition
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New Jersey Community Journalist Miguel Amaya's Cuban Pineapple Flan recipe
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Jorge Ramon-Amaya
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Prep of the Week: Amaya Oliver is healthy and productive for Rams
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Trending news on Amaya

Cubs Protect Miguel Amaya, Zack Short Ahead of Rule 5 Draft
Listen Cubs Protect Miguel Amaya, Zack Short Ahead of Rule 5 Draft pronunciation
Pitcher Tyson Miller, infielder Zack Short, catcher Miguel Amaya, and pitcher Manuel Rodriguez were all added to the team’s 40-man roster, according to a press release, and will be protected..View article
NBC Chicago NBC Chicago
Chicago Cubs Organizational Breakdown, Pt. 1: Miguel Amaya Leads Promising Group of Catchers
First up is a look at the catchers making their way through the minors. Most likely to succeed This is probably the worst kept secret in the system, as Miguel Amaya is now looming on the hor..View article
Cubs Insider Cubs Insider
Amaya Coppens Beaten for Reporting Abuse of other Political Prisoners
The parents of political prisoner Amaya Coppens reported that their daughter was beaten and her hair pulled by a Police officer in the facilities of the infamous El Chipote interrogation jai..View article
Confidencial Confidencial
Amaya Finklea-Guity continues search for a complete offensive game
For the second consecutive possession, Amaya Finklea-Guity saw an opening behind her and thrust her right hand in the air. Kiara Lewis stalled outside the 3-point arc in SU’s season-opener a..View article
The Daily Orange The Daily Orange
Nicaraguan Student Leader Amaya Coppens Beaten for Reporting Abuse of other Prisoners
A guard beat her up and her medication was restricted. HAVANA TIMES – The parents of political prisoner Amaya Coppens reported that their daughter was beaten and her hair pulled by a Police..View article
Havana Times.org Havana Times.org
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