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IPA : ɔːlˈðəʊ ɔːlˈðəʊ
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Examples of in a sentence

India to build aircraft carrier by 2012
Listen India to build aircraft carrier by 2012 pronunciation
147 ratings rating ratings
Zimbabwe submits to popular pressure: foreign currencies now legal tender
Listen Zimbabwe submits to popular pressure: foreign currencies now legal tender pronunciation
137 ratings rating ratings
Multiple fatalities in bin lorry crash in Glasgow, Scotland
Listen Multiple fatalities in bin lorry crash in Glasgow, Scotland pronunciation
126 ratings rating ratings
Israel may free all Gaza flotilla detainees
Listen Israel may free all Gaza flotilla detainees pronunciation
105 ratings rating ratings
Car bomb in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico kills several, many injured
Listen Car bomb in Ciudad Juárez, Mexico kills several, many injured pronunciation
84 ratings rating ratings
{{phrase.phrase }}
Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
{{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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Trending news on although

It’s a start, although not a crowded one, for one German cruise ship’s push to get back on the water
Listen It’s a start, although not a crowded one, for one German cruise ship’s push to get back on the water pronunciation
Occupancy was limited to 60 percent so passengers could keep their distance from one another, but even that level was not reached.
Penn Live Penn Live
Plug Power planning new 'gigafactory,' although location undecided
Listen Plug Power planning new 'gigafactory,' although location undecided pronunciation
Hydrogen fuel cell maker Plug Power says it is in "discussions with multiple locations" to build a new fuel cell and electrolyzer factory that would open next year. The so-called gigafactory..View article
Times Union Times Union
Fintech mega-rounds keep sector afloat in Q2, although deal activity dips
Listen Fintech mega-rounds keep sector afloat in Q2, although deal activity dips pronunciation
After a pronounced pullback in investor activity during the early days of Covid-19, the fintech funding cycle roared back into life in Q2 2020 as a number of mega rounds came to fruition.
Finextra Finextra
Steelers' Mike Tomlin on minority hiring in NFL: 'It's comical, although it's not funny'
Listen Steelers' Mike Tomlin on minority hiring in NFL: 'It's comical, although it's not funny' pronunciation
Pittsburgh Steelers coach Mike Tomlin spoke Thursday about minority hiring in the NFL and what needs to be done to improve the number of minorities in the coaching ranks of the league.
Fox News Fox News
Hurricanes still figuring out how to play without Dougie Hamilton, although maybe not for long | Charlotte Observer
Listen Hurricanes still figuring out how to play without Dougie Hamilton, although maybe not for long | Charlotte Observer pronunciation
A goal there would have essentially sealed the game, and maybe no one would have noticed Gardiner lost at sea — he was hardly alone in that respect, to be sure — on the New York Rangers’ sho..View article
Charlotte Observer Charlotte Observer
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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