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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ælˈʤɪəz
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Meanings for Algiers

It is the capital of Algeria, which is the political, economic, and cultural center of the country.
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an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria
Listen an ancient port on the Mediterranean; the capital and largest city of Algeria pronunciation
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Quiz on Algiers


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Wiki content for Algiers

Algiers - Algiers ( al-JEERZ; Arabic: الجزائر‎, romanized: Al-Jazāʾir; French: Alger) is the capital and largest city of Algeria.
Algiers, New Orleans - Algiers is a section of New Orleans, the only Orleans Parish community located on the West Bank of the Mississippi River.
Algiers Derby - The Algiers Derby is the name given to matches between MC Alger and USM Alger football clubs from Algiers, Algeria.
Algiers Motel incident - The Algiers Motel incident occurred in Detroit, Michigan, United States, throughout the night of July 25–26, 1967 during the racially charged 12th Street Riot.
Algiers putsch of 1961 - The Algiers putsch (French: Putsch d'Alger or Coup d'État d'Alger), also known as the Generals' putsch (Putsch des généraux), was a failed coup d'état intended to force French President Charl
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Examples of in a sentence

RTA selects new operator for Algiers ferries, says service could resume this week
Listen RTA selects new operator for Algiers ferries, says service could resume this week pronunciation
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Algeria election: Thousands march to protest in Algiers
Listen Algeria election: Thousands march to protest in Algiers pronunciation
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Algiers residents protest lack of Canal Street ferries: 'Someone needs to be held accountable'
Listen Algiers residents protest lack of Canal Street ferries: 'Someone needs to be held accountable' pronunciation
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Clashes in Algiers as OPEC Nation Holds an Election Few Want
Listen Clashes in Algiers as OPEC Nation Holds an Election Few Want pronunciation
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Algiers – “Void”
Listen Algiers – “Void” pronunciation
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Translations of Algiers

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Trending news on Algiers

Clashes in Algiers as OPEC Nation Holds Election Few Want
Listen Clashes in Algiers as OPEC Nation Holds Election Few Want pronunciation
(Bloomberg) -- Sporadic clashes erupted in Algeria’s capital as authorities pressed on with a tightly controlled presidential election rejected by protesters but billed as the OPEC member’s..View article
BloombergQuint BloombergQuint
Algiers Charter overhauls athletics, reevaluating coaching staff after Landry-Walker's forfeit win against Belle Chasse
Listen Algiers Charter overhauls athletics, reevaluating coaching staff after Landry-Walker's forfeit win against Belle Chasse pronunciation
Algiers Charter is implementing a new system for athletics after a controversial football game between Landry-Walker and Belle Chasse high schools.LHSAA said Landry Walker was removed from p..View article
Algiers residents protest continued ferry problems
Listen Algiers residents protest continued ferry problems pronunciation
The ferries that take residents to Algiers Point from the CBD and back has been out of service for quite a while as the new ferries have not passed inspection.
Algiers Share Video for New Song “Void” and Announce In-Store Performances
Listen Algiers Share Video for New Song “Void” and Announce In-Store Performances pronunciation
Algiers are releasing a new album, There Is No Year, on January 17, 2020 via Matador. Now they have shared another song from it, "Void." They have also announced some American in-store perfo..View article
Under the Radar Under the Radar
Algiers Share New Song 'Void'
Listen Algiers Share New Song 'Void' pronunciation
Algiers unveils a second track from their forthcoming album There Is No Year today-listen to "Void," debuted via Adult Swim's Singles Club. Listen below! The album, the Atlanta via London/NY..View article
BroadwayWorld BroadwayWorld
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