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    Meanings for Alessandro

    Alessandro is a masculine name of Italian origin which means "defending man "
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    Italian form of ALEXANDER. A famous bearer was Alessandro Volta, the Italian physicist who invented the battery.
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    Collections on Alessandro

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    Examples of in a sentence

    Alessandro Ambrosio gets heads turning as she strikes poses flashing her legs and abs
    Listen Alessandro Ambrosio gets heads turning as she strikes poses flashing her legs and abs pronunciation
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    Alessandro ZOLLO
    Listen Alessandro ZOLLO pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Alessandro Borghi is now filming Mondocane
    Listen Alessandro Borghi is now filming Mondocane pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Alessandro Diamanti claims Johnny Warren Medal at Dolan Warren Awards
    Listen Alessandro Diamanti claims Johnny Warren Medal at Dolan Warren Awards pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    BtoBet’s Alessandro Fried: The perfect opportunity to reach new heights
    Listen BtoBet’s Alessandro Fried: The perfect opportunity to reach new heights pronunciation
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    Translations of Alessandro

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    Trending news on Alessandro

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    Northwestern Engineering’s Alessandro F. Rotta Loria has received a Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) award from the National Science Foundation (NSF), the foundation’s most..View article
    image-unavailable Kellogg School of Management
    Watch Matteo Della Bordella, Alessandro Zeni free Leap of Faith on Poncione d’Alnasca
    Listen Watch Matteo Della Bordella, Alessandro Zeni free Leap of Faith on Poncione d’Alnasca pronunciation
    The short film by Nicolò and Fulvio Mariani documenting the first free ascent of Leap of Faith on Poncione d’Alnasca in Switzerland, carried out by Matteo Della Bordella and Alessandro Zeni..View article
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    image-unavailable Marvel Comics
    Prof. Alessandro Rotta Loria Receives NSF CAREER Award
    Listen Prof. Alessandro Rotta Loria Receives NSF CAREER Award pronunciation
    Prof. Alessandro Rotta Loria Receives NSF CAREER Award to investigate “The Mechanics of Subsurface Urban Heat Islands”
    Kellogg School of Management Kellogg School of Management
    Inter Business CEO Alessandro Antonello: “We’ll Earn €30M Per Year From Socios.Com Sponsorship”
    Listen Inter Business CEO Alessandro Antonello: “We’ll Earn €30M Per Year From Socios.Com Sponsorship” pronunciation
    Inter Business CEO Alessandro Antonello has given updates on some of the key financial issues at the Nerazzurri this summer. Speaking to Italian broadcaster Radiocor, the CEO explained the f..View article
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