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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈlepəʊ
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    Meanings for Aleppo

    The second-largest city in Syria had a huge population of 4.6 million in 2010.
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    Wiki content for Aleppo

    Aleppo - Aleppo (; Arabic: ﺣَﻠَﺐ‎ / ALA-LC: Ḥalab, IPA: [ˈħalab]; French: Alep) is a city in Syria, serving as the capital of the Aleppo Governorate, the most populous Syrian governorate.
    Aleppo offensive (November–December 2016) - The Aleppo offensive (November–December 2016), code named Operation Dawn of Victory by government forces, was a successful military offensive launched by the Syrian Armed Forces and allied gr
    Aleppo Codex - The Aleppo Codex (Hebrew: כֶּתֶר אֲרָם צוֹבָא‎ Keter Aram Tzova or Crown of Aleppo) is a medieval bound manuscript of the Hebrew Bible.
    Aleppo offensive (October–December 2015) - The Aleppo offensive (October–December 2015) was an operation that started on 16 October when the Syrian Army launched a large-scale strategic offensive south of Aleppo.
    Aleppo Governorate - Aleppo Governorate (Arabic: محافظة حلب‎ / ALA-LC: Muḥāfaẓat Ḥalab / [muˈħæːfazˤat ˈħælæb]) is one of the fourteen governorates (provinces) of Syria.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Block of flats collapses in Aleppo, killing eleven
    Listen Block of flats collapses in Aleppo, killing eleven pronunciation
    130 ratings rating ratings
    Evacuation corridor allows rebels and civilians to leave Aleppo
    Listen Evacuation corridor allows rebels and civilians to leave Aleppo pronunciation
    121 ratings rating ratings
    Over 270 civilians reported killed from shelling in Syria
    Listen Over 270 civilians reported killed from shelling in Syria pronunciation
    112 ratings rating ratings
    Russian helicopter shot down over Syria
    Listen Russian helicopter shot down over Syria pronunciation
    102 ratings rating ratings
    Kurds announce deal with Assad's government as Turkey invades Syria's northeast
    Listen Kurds announce deal with Assad's government as Turkey invades Syria's northeast pronunciation
    93 ratings rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
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    Translations of Aleppo

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    Trending news on Aleppo

    Syrian army reopens crossing with "Turkish-backed militants" in Aleppo
    Listen Syrian army reopens crossing with "Turkish-backed militants" in Aleppo pronunciation
    PanARMENIAN.Net - The Syrian Arab Army (SAA) has reopened a humanitarian crossing with "the Turkish-backed militants" in eastern Aleppo after the violence in the town of Al-Bab subsided this..View article
    Mortar attack by militants in Syria's Aleppo province kills 8 children
    Listen Mortar attack by militants in Syria's Aleppo province kills 8 children pronunciation
    A total of 10 civilians, including eight children, were killed and 13 were wounded in a mortar attack by militants in the city of Tall Rifat, in northern Aleppo province on Wednesday, Maj.
    Trend News Agency Trend News Agency
    Massive explosion hits Turkish military convoy in Aleppo
    PanARMENIAN.Net - A massive explosion was reported in the northern countryside of the Aleppo Governorate on Wednesday, December 4 after a Turkish military convoy hit was suspected to be a ro..View article
    Children back at school in war-ravaged Aleppo
    Listen Children back at school in war-ravaged Aleppo pronunciation
    Ten-year-old Abd hadn’t been to school in four years – not since his family were forced to flee the daily bombings and shootings that ripped apart his community in Aleppo, Syria. But now he..View article
    SOS Children SOS Children
    Two adults, eight children killed in shelling in Syria’s Aleppo region — Defense Ministry
    Listen Two adults, eight children killed in shelling in Syria’s Aleppo region — Defense Ministry pronunciation
    MOSCOW, December 4. /TASS/. Ten civilians were killed in mortar fire opened against Tell-Rifaat in the Syrian region of Aleppo, Major General Yuri Borenkov, chief of the Russian center for ...View article
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