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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : ˈɔːldəʃɒt
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Wiki content for Aldershot

Aldershot - Aldershot () is a town in the Rushmoor district of Hampshire, England. It lies on heathland in the extreme northeast corner of the county, about 31.8 mi (51.2 km) southwest of London.
Aldershot Town F.C. - Aldershot Town Football Club (also called The Shots) is a professional association football club based in Aldershot, Hampshire, England.
Aldershot (UK Parliament constituency) - Aldershot is a constituency in Hampshire, created in 1918.
Aldershot Garrison - Aldershot Garrison, also known as Aldershot Military Town, is a major garrison in South East England, located between Aldershot and Farnborough in Hampshire.
Aldershot, Farnham and District Athletic Club - Aldershot, Farnham and District Athletic Club is an athletics club based in Aldershot, Hampshire, England.
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Examples of in a sentence

Substitute Ross Dyer earns Halifax victory over Aldershot and keep them level on points with Conference leaders Barnet
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The lands at Aldershot, an extensive open heath country, sparsely dotted by fir-woods and intersected by the Basingstoke canal, were then acquired by the crown.
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The Bagshot Beds in the west form infertile tracts of sandy soil, covered with heath and pine, where space is available for the great camps and military training-grounds round Aldershot, and for the extensive cemeteries at Woking The London Clay in the east is more fertile and crowded with villages,
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Out-of-contract defender Matt Somner, 23, has also left Aldershot to join the magpies on a two-year deal.
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We have taken a trawl through the Surrey Advertiser, Surrey Herald and Aldershot News & Mail archives to explore how the outbreak of the First World War was reported at the time
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