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Meanings for Alcock

A popular British naturalist is known for his book Materials for a Carcinological Fauna of India.
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Wiki content for Alcock

Alcock - Alcock is a surname. Notable people with the surname include:
Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police - Alcock v Chief Constable of South Yorkshire Police [1991] UKHL 5, [1992] 1 AC 310 is a leading English tort law case on liability for nervous shock (psychiatric injury).
Alcock's Arabian - Alcock's Arabian (foaled about 1707, died about 1733), also known as Pelham Grey Arabian and less certainly as Bloody Buttocks and Ancaster Turk, among other names, is the ancestor of all gre
Alcock and Gander - Alcock and Gander is a British sitcom that aired on ITV in 1972. Starring Beryl Reid and Richard O'Sullivan, it lasted for one series.
Alcock Scout - The Alcock Scout, a.k.a. A.1 and Sopwith Mouse, was a curious "one-off" experimental fighter biplane flown briefly during World War I.
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Examples of in a sentence

Poole Alcock law firm unveils new premises in Nantwich
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Between the Brachyura and Macrura some authors uphold an order Anomura, though in a much restricted sense, the labours of Huxley, Boas, Alcock and conjointly Alphonse Milne-Edwards and Bouvier, having resulted in restoring the Dromiidea and Raninidae to the Brachyura, among which de Haan long ago pl
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The carapace, formerly referred only to the antennar-mandibular segments, may perhaps in fact contain elements from any number of other segments of head and trunk, Huxley, Alcock, Bouvier giving support to this opinion by the sutural or other divisional lines in Potamobius, Nephrops, Thalassina, and
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One effect of the Taiping rebellion was to close the native custom-house at Shanghai; and as Lhe corrupt alternatives proposed by the Chinese were worse than useless, it was arranged by Sir Rutherford Alcock, the British consul, with his French and American colleagues, that they should undertake to
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