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Pronunciation of alacrity with 5 audio pronunciations
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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈlækrɪtɪ əˈlækrɪtɪ
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    Meanings for alacrity

    It means the act of enthusiastic acceptance.
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    liveliness and eagerness
    2 ratings rating ratings
    a cheerful readiness to do something
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    Synonyms for alacrity

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    Wiki content for alacrity

    Examples of in a sentence

    An "offensive" article on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa published on the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry website with an accompanying graphic image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi kicked up a storm in India which acted with "alacrity" today to force the island nation to tend
    73 ratings rating ratings
    An "offensive" article on Tamil Nadu Chief Minister Jayalalithaa published on the Sri Lankan Defence Ministry website with an accompanying graphic image of Prime Minister Narendra Modi kicked up a storm in India which acted with "alacrity" on Friday to force the island nation to
    68 ratings rating ratings
    "The moment we heard about this, the government of India has acted with alacrity, we immediately activated diplomatic channels, our high commission in
    62 ratings rating ratings
    They can do and undo with equal finesse and alacrity
    56 ratings rating ratings
    he accepted with alacrity
    51 ratings rating ratings
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    Trending news on alacrity

    'They responded with alacrity on Arnab's arrest': Shillong Times' Patricia Mukhim quits EGI over silence in case against her
    Listen 'They responded with alacrity on Arnab's arrest': Shillong Times' Patricia Mukhim quits EGI over silence in case against her pronunciation
    Padma Shri awardee and veteran journalist Patricia Mukhim has resigned from the Editors Guild of India and alleged that the body only defends celebrity journalists, reported NDTV. The journa..View article
    image-unavailable The Free Press Journal
    'They responded with alacrity on Arnab's arrest': Shillong Times' Patricia Mukhim quits EGI over silence in case against her
    Listen 'They responded with alacrity on Arnab's arrest': Shillong Times' Patricia Mukhim quits EGI over silence in case against her pronunciation
    Padma Shri awardee and veteran journalist Patricia Mukhim has resigned from the Editors Guild of India and alleged that the body only defends celebrity journalists, reported NDTV. The journa..View article
    image-unavailable The Free Press Journal
    Peace Now? Mashiach Now? Tempered alacrity
    Listen Peace Now? Mashiach Now? Tempered alacrity pronunciation
    But the Ba’al Shem Tov’s saying still holds true. Tempered alacrity is the way to proceed. The prime example of tempered alacrity in our times is the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He worked tirelessly..View article
    image-unavailable Arutz Sheva
    Peace Now? Mashiach Now? Tempered alacrity
    Listen Peace Now? Mashiach Now? Tempered alacrity pronunciation
    But the Ba’al Shem Tov’s saying still holds true. Tempered alacrity is the way to proceed. The prime example of tempered alacrity in our times is the Lubavitcher Rebbe. He worked tirelessly..View article
    image-unavailable Arutz Sheva
    Increase Your Alacrity
    Listen Increase Your Alacrity pronunciation
    Now commit yourself to do at least one of those things as soon as you can. After you do this, let this serve as a role model for you to increase your general level of alacrity. Rabbi Zelig P..View article
    image-unavailable aishcom
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