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Meanings for Ahasuerus

Ahasuerus is a title for Persian King and means lion-king.
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Wiki content for Ahasuerus

Ahasuerus - Ahasuerus ( ə-HAZ-ew-EER-əs; Hebrew: אֲחַשְׁוֵרוֹשׁ, Modern: ʼAḥašvērōš, Tiberian: ʼAẖašwērōš, commonly Achashverosh; Koine Greek: Ασουηρος, romanized: Asouēros, in the Septuagint; Latin: Ass
Ahasuerus Fromanteel - Ahasuerus Fromanteel (25 February 1607 – 31 January 1693) was a clockmaker, the first maker of pendulum clocks in Britain.
Ahasuerus and Haman at the Feast of Esther - The painting Ahasveros and Haman at the Feast of Esther is one of the few works of Rembrandt van Rijn whose complete provenance is known.
Ahasuerus at the End of the World - Ahasuerus at the End of the World is a late 19th century oil painting by Hungarian artist Adolf Hirémy-Hirschl.
Ahasverus Fritsch - Ahasverus Fritsch (16 December 1629 – 24 August 1701) was a German jurist, poet and hymn writer of the Baroque era.
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Examples of in a sentence

It’s Biblical! This week: Ahasuerus
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Carpenter's Column: The malady of King Ahasuerus
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With Video: Underrated Flint Northwestern junior Ahasuerus 'Syro' McDonald shows off array of skills in tournament
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The Political Genius of Ahasuerus
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Flint's Ahasuerus McDonald becomes latest addition to Mott's strong basketball recruiting class
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Translations of Ahasuerus

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Trending news on Ahasuerus

Trump Is Not Hitler and He’s Not Haman — He’s Ahasuerus
That’s not quite right: He’s Ahasuerus, a different kind of danger, and one that’s worth contemplating today. In case you need a refresher, Ahasuerus, in the Book of Esther, is the ruler of..View article
The Forward The Forward
It’s Biblical! This week: Ahasuerus
There is some debate over the precise historical identity of the biblical Ahasuerus, although many scholars believe he was the Persian king Xerxes, who reigned from 486 to 465 BCE. Unmistaka..View article
image-unavailable Jewish News
Carpenter's Column: The malady of King Ahasuerus
“On that night the king could not sleep. And he gave orders to bring the book of memorable deeds, the chronicles, and they were read before the king.”—Esther, 6:1 For the rest of us: Nothing..View article
Arizona Daily Sun Arizona Daily Sun
With Video: Underrated Flint Northwestern junior Ahasuerus 'Syro' McDonald shows off array of skills in tournament
While Flint Northwestern junior point guard Ahasuerus ('Syro') McDonald's stats weren't eye-popping during the high school season, it's certainly not because of a lack of ability. McDonald t..View article
MLive MLive
The Political Genius of Ahasuerus
At every stage, Ahasuerus is listening to others. Whether killing the Jews or not killing the Jews, whether exalting Haman or sending him to die, the only consistent thing about the king is..View article
Tablet Magazine Tablet Magazine
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