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Phonetic spelling of Agatho

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Meanings for Agatho

It is a Roman-originated surname that is used globally.
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Wiki content for Agatho

Agatho - Agatho may refer to:
Agathocles of Bactria - Agathocles Dikaios (Greek: Ἀγαθοκλῆς ὁ Δίκαιος; epithet meaning: "the Just") was a Greco-Bactrian/ Indo-Greek king, who reigned between around 190 and 180 BC.
Agathodaimon (band) - Agathodaimon was a gothic/symphonic black metal band from Mainz, Germany.
Agathocles (band) - Agathocles is a Belgian political grindcore band that began in 1985. They are mainly known for producing a large quantity of split seven-inch EPs.
Agathon - Agathon (; Ancient Greek: Ἀγάθων; c. 448 – c. 400 BC) was an Athenian tragic poet whose works have been lost.
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Examples of in a sentence

The only appeal to Rome in Saxon times was that of St Wilfrid, bishop of York, who appealed from the division of his see and his deposition for refusing to consent to it, and was heard in a Roman synod under the presidency of Pope Agatho.
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Antonyms for Agatho

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