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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : æfˌgænɪˈstɑːn æfˈgænɪstæn
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    Meanings for Afghanistan

    A Country in South Asia, Which is famous for its pomegranates in Asia.
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    It's a country in South Asia
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    Wiki content for Afghanistan

    Afghanistan - Afghanistan ( (listen); Pashto/Dari: افغانستان, Pashto: Afġānistān [avɣɒnisˈtɒn, ab-], Dari: Afġānestān [avɣɒnesˈtɒn]), officially the Islamic Republic of Afghanistan, is a landlocked country
    Afghanistan conflict (1978–present) - The Afghanistan conflict (Persian: جنگ های افغانستان‎, Pashto: د افغانستان جنګونه‎) is a series of wars that has been fought in Afghanistan since 1978. Starting with the Saur Revolution milit
    Afghanistan national cricket team - The Afghanistan men's national team (Pashto: د افغانستان د کرېکټ ملي لوبډله‎, Persian: تیم ملی کریکت افغانستان‎) is the 12th test cricket playing Full Member nation.
    Afghanistan national football team - The Afghanistan national football team (Pashto: د افغانستان د فوټبال ملي لوبډله Da Afghānestān da Fūṭbāl Millī Lobḍala; Dari: تیم ملی فوتبال افغانستان) is the national football team of Afghan
    Afghanistan–China relations - Afghanistan–China relations or Sino–Afghan relations have been mostly friendly throughout history, with trade relations between these regions date back to at least the Han dynasty with the pr
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Tory MPs lambast Johnson over Afghanistan
    Listen Tory MPs lambast Johnson over Afghanistan pronunciation
    1 rating rating ratings
    Taliban Block Routes to Kabul Airport, Hampering Evacuations From Afghanistan
    Listen Taliban Block Routes to Kabul Airport, Hampering Evacuations From Afghanistan pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    MAGA Weirdos Blame ‘Critical Race Theory and Woke Generals’ For Afghanistan
    Listen MAGA Weirdos Blame ‘Critical Race Theory and Woke Generals’ For Afghanistan pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    The coming U.S. political fight over accepting refugees from Afghanistan
    Listen The coming U.S. political fight over accepting refugees from Afghanistan pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    Afghanistan evacuations pick up speed as Taliban try to strike conciliarity tone
    Listen Afghanistan evacuations pick up speed as Taliban try to strike conciliarity tone pronunciation
    0 rating rating ratings
    {{phrase.phrase }}
    Listen :word pronunciation {{phrase.phrase}}
    {{phrase.vote_count}} ratings rating rating ratings
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    Translations of Afghanistan

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    Trending news on Afghanistan

    The U.S. Offered My Family a Home After the Vietnam War. It Must Do the Same for Those Fleeing Afghanistan
    Listen The U.S. Offered My Family a Home After the Vietnam War. It Must Do the Same for Those Fleeing Afghanistan pronunciation
    The decision to withdraw troops has again created a humanitarian crisis the U.S. is morally obliged to address
    Time on MSN.com Time on MSN.com
    Dem Senate panels demand answers on Biden’s ‘failures’ in Afghanistan
    Listen Dem Senate panels demand answers on Biden’s ‘failures’ in Afghanistan pronunciation
    Three Democratic chairs of Senate committees have pledged to get a full accounting of “what went wrong” as the Taliban seizes control of the country.
    Politico on MSN.com Politico on MSN.com
    Major Newspapers Push to Get Workers Out of Afghanistan
    Listen Major Newspapers Push to Get Workers Out of Afghanistan pronunciation
    The Washington Post, New York Times and Wall Street Journal issued a joint statement to the Biden administration on Monday requesting safe passage for their journalists.
    Wall Street Journal Wall Street Journal
    Europe fears a repeat of 2015 refugee crisis as Afghanistan collapses
    Listen Europe fears a repeat of 2015 refugee crisis as Afghanistan collapses pronunciation
    The EU will be wary of a repeat of the refugee crisis of 2015, when Syrian refugees and other migrants arrived at European borders.
    CNBC on MSN.com CNBC on MSN.com
    Up to 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after Taliban takeover
    Listen Up to 15,000 Americans remain in Afghanistan after Taliban takeover pronunciation
    U.S. officials said about 1,100 U.S. citizens, permanent residents and their families were evacuated on 13 flights Tuesday.
    NBC News NBC News
    Listen :word pronunciation {{news_api.phrase.phrase}}
    {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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