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Phonetic spelling of adonai

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Sephardic Hebrew ah-daw-nahy; Ashkenazic Hebrew ah-doh-noi
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Meanings for adonai

According to the Hebrew Bible, this term refers to God.
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According to the Hebrew Bible, the term refers to god.
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Wiki content for adonai

Adonais - Adonais: An Elegy on the Death of John Keats, Author of Endymion, Hyperion, etc. () is a pastoral elegy written by Percy Bysshe Shelley for John Keats in 1821, and widely regarded as one of S
Adonai Martínez - Adonai Ulises Martínez Bonilla (born October 3, 1975) is a retired professional football player from El Salvador.
Adonai-Shomo - Adonai-Shomo was the name given to a commune which existed from 1861 to 1896 in Massachusetts.
Adonai malakh mode - In music, the Adonai malakh scale is a musical mode used in Jewish music.
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Examples of in a sentence

“Adonai regretted making humans on earth…” (Genesis 6:6)
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Casa de Hospedagem Shalom Adonai
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Adonai West AFH
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When “Adonai regretted making humans on earth”
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ISM Adonai University Cotonou exonerates self from shoddy operations
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Translations of adonai

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Trending news on adonai

Adonai West AFH
At Adonai West AFH, we offer a myriad of community amenities. Frequent off-site adventures and trips are very popular with our occupants. Pets such as dogs and cats are welcome in private qu..View article
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Casa de Hospedagem Shalom Adonai
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“Adonai regretted making humans on earth…” (Genesis 6:6)
Please note that the posts on The Blogs are contributed by third parties. The opinions, facts and any media content in them are presented solely by the authors, and neither The Times of Isra..View article
image-unavailable The Times of Israel
Adonai - One Year Devotions for Women
He was sitting on a lofty throne, and the train of his robe filled the Temple,” said Isaiah (Isaiah 6:1). Adonai speaks of master-ownership. “You call me Adonai and so I am,” said Jesus Chri..View article
Crosswalk.com Crosswalk.com
ISM Adonai University Cotonou exonerates self from shoddy operations
The management of ISM Adonai University, Cotonou, has rebuffed her inclusion among mushroom universities operating in Benin Republic, as captured in a report by Daily Nigerian Newspaper. A s..View article
Daily Post Nigeria Daily Post Nigeria
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