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International Phonetic Alphabet (IPA)
IPA : əˈʤʌstmənts
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Phonetic spelling of adjustments

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uh-juhst-muh nt
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Examples of in a sentence

Anticipatory adjustments.
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Castelli, a petty officer in the Italian navy, found that, if a small drop of mercury was contained in a glass tube between a plug of iron and carbon, with certain adjustments, the arrangement was non-conductive to the current from a single cell but became conductive when electric oscillations passe
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The bridge is provided with two adjustments: - (i) a variable apex,' having several turns of the winding between each stud to permit of the arms being thrown slightly out of balance as a rough compensation for the differences in the cable and artificial line; and (2) an additional fine adjustm
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According to AutoBlog, Infiniti’s ALC is designed to make small adjustments via the car’s fully digital steering (rather than mechanical) to help drivers stay in the same lane
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These tiny adjustments to your routine can help you score a flatter belly fast
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adjustments should be in sentence

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