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IPA : ədˈhɪəz
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Phonetic spelling of adheres

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Meanings for adheres

It means to follow something in a proper manner.
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Examples of in a sentence

Fertilization is effected by the passive convection of a spermatium from the antheridium to the trichogyne, to which it adheres, and to which it passes over its nucleus through an open communication set up at the point of contact.
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24), still adheres to the erroneous Ptolemaic delineation of southern Asia, and the same error is perpetuated by Henricus Marvellus Germanus on a rough map showing the Portuguese discoveries up to 1489.
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For joiners' work, however, it is well adapted, and glue adheres strongly to it, though nails do not hold well.
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The sal-ammoniac removes the last unavoidable film of oxide, leaving a purely metallic surface, to .which the tin adheres firmly.
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