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Phonetic spelling of Acadia

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Meanings for Acadia

the French-speaking part of the Canadian Maritime Provinces
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It is a feminine name that is of French origin.
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Wiki content for Acadia

Acadia - Acadia (French: Acadie) was a colony of New France in northeastern North America which included parts of eastern Quebec, the Maritime provinces, and Maine to the Kennebec River.
Acadia National Park - Acadia National Park is an American national park located in the state of Maine, southwest of Bar Harbor.
Acadia University - Acadia University is a public, predominantly undergraduate university located in Wolfville, Nova Scotia, Canada with some graduate programs at the master's level and one at the doctoral level
Acadians - The Acadians (French: Acadiens, IPA: [akadjɛ̃]) are the descendants of French colonists who settled in Acadia during the 17th and 18th centuries, some of whom are also descended from the Indi
Acadiana - Acadiana (French and Louisiana French: L'Acadiane) is the official name given to the French Louisiana region that was historically home to the state's Francophone population.
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Examples of in a sentence

2014 GMC Acadia Denali: One great family hauler and 'Jack
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Acadia National Park Named Nation's 'Favorite Place'
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Rock climber falls 60 feet after slipping at Acadia National Park
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Acadia Realty Trust Announces Quarterly Dividend
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Free ACT Prep Courses in Acadia Parish
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Translations of Acadia

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