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Learn how to pronounce Abd al Latif
Abd al Latif

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Meanings for Abd al Latif
A popular Iraqi Physician is known for his book A Physician on the Nile.
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Collections on Abd al Latif
Wiki content for Abd al Latif
Abdul Latif
- Abdul Latif (Arabic: عبد اللطيف) is a Muslim male given name and, in modern usage, surname. It is built from the Arabic words Abd, al- and Latif.
Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi
- Abd al-Latif al-Baghdadi or Abdallatif al-Baghdadi (Arabic: عبداللطيف البغدادي, 1162 in Baghdad–1231), short for Muwaffaq al-Din Muhammad Abd al-Latif ibn Yusuf al-Baghdadi (Arabic: موفق الد
Abd al-Latif Bin Abdullah Salih Muhammad al-Kawari
- Abd al-Latif Bin Abdullah Salih Muhammad al-Kawari, born 1975, is a Qatar-based financier, fundraiser, and "security official" for the terror-group Al Qaeda.
Abdal Latif Sultan (Afak Khan)
- Abdal Latif Sultan (Afak Khan) was the ruler of Yarkand Khanate in modern northwest China (Xinjiang) between 1618 and 1630 years.
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