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    Phonetic spelling of Aasma

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    Meanings for Aasma

    Aasma is a feminine name that originated from Arab and it means 'precious'' sky'' excellent'.
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    Quiz on Aasma


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    Wiki content for Aasma

    Aasma - Aasma was an Indian pop group that formed in 2003, and has disbanded since. The band was composed of the winners of the second season of Indian version of the international television talent
    Aasmah Mir - Aasmah Saira Mir (; born 7 October 1971) is a Scottish television and radio broadcaster and journalist.
    Aasmanon Pay Likha - Aasmanon Pay Likha (Urdu: آسمانوں پہ لکھا ‎) (meaning Written on skies) is a TV show that aired on Geo Entertainment television.
    Aasman Mahal - Aasman Mahal (lit. Sky palace) is a 1965 Hindi social family drama film directed by K. A. Abbas.
    Aasman Se Aage - Aasman Se Aage (English: Beyond the Sky) is an Indian Hindi language television drama that first aired on Life OK.
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    Examples of in a sentence

    Aasma Day
    Listen Aasma Day pronunciation
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    Bigg Boss 14: Karan Patel Calls Rahul Vaidya 'Bigg Boss 14's Big Trash', Says 'Mardon Pe Bhi Zor Aasma Liya Kar' (View Posts)
    Listen Bigg Boss 14: Karan Patel Calls Rahul Vaidya 'Bigg Boss 14's Big Trash', Says 'Mardon Pe Bhi Zor Aasma Liya Kar' (View Posts) pronunciation
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    Translations of Aasma

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    Trending news on Aasma

    Bigg Boss 14: Karan Patel Calls Rahul Vaidya 'Bigg Boss 14's Big Trash', Says 'Mardon Pe Bhi Zor Aasma Liya Kar' (View Posts)
    Listen Bigg Boss 14: Karan Patel Calls Rahul Vaidya 'Bigg Boss 14's Big Trash', Says 'Mardon Pe Bhi Zor Aasma Liya Kar' (View Posts) pronunciation
    The recent captaincy task of Bigg Boss 14 did not go as planned after Jasmin Bhasin got crazy mad at Rahul Vaidya. During the task, Rahul tries to snatch the bag from Jasmin Bhasin but the l..View article
    image-unavailable Yahoo! News
    Aasma Day
    Listen Aasma Day pronunciation
    From putting their health at risk, to dropping meals off for families in need, teachers reveal how they are the "glue" holding communities together amid the crisis. Professor Stephen Powis i..View article
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    Antonyms for Aasma

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