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Phonetic spelling of Aachen

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Meanings for Aachen

A city that is situated in Germany, which is popular for its historical importance.
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a city in western Germany near the Dutch and Belgian borders; formerly it was Charlemagnes northern capital
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Aachen, also known as Bad Aachen, is a spa and border town in North Rhine-Westphalia, Germany.
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Typeface designed for Letraset in the 1960s by Englishmen Alan Meeks and Colin Brignall.
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Wiki content for Aachen

Examples of in a sentence

Charlotte Dujardin fifth in Aachen freestyle: ‘I couldn’t have asked any more of him’
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Ukrainian journalist declines Aachen Peace Prize
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At CHIO Aachen 2019, SAP Technology Offers a Rider’s-Eye View
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A day in the heart of Europe: Aachen, Germany
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Charlotte Dujardin third in Aachen special as Lottie Fry also qualifies for freestyle
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Trending news on Aachen

Ukrainian journalist declines Aachen Peace Prize
The journalist had previously distanced himself from the statements and apologized. A controversy surrounding the award of the Aachen Peace Prize to Ruslan Kotsaba has now become a non-issue..View article
dw.com dw.com
A day in the heart of Europe: Aachen, Germany
Located in the heart of Europe, Aachen is a city of understated beauty and character. Once the center of Charlemagne’s empire, Aachen is now a small, relatively lesser known German city, but..View article
The Daily Californian The Daily Californian
Charlotte Dujardin third in Aachen special as Lottie Fry also qualifies for freestyle
Charlotte Dujardin gained another podium place at Aachen today when she finished third in the grand prix special, the Meggle prize. Piloting Sonnar Murray Brown’s Erlentanz, Charlotte was th..View article
Horse and Hound Horse and Hound
Nazi Germany Wasted Many Lives Trying to Keep Aachen from the Allies
There were four major approaches to the Ruhr from France: the Plain of Flanders, the Ardennes Forest, the Metz-Kaiserlauten Gap, and the Maubeuge-Leige-Aachen axis north of the Ardennes. On..View article
The National Interest The National Interest
October 11: ON THIS DAY in 1944, Aachen ultimatum ignored
ON THIS DAY IN 1848, the Brooklyn Daily Eagle reported, “Dickens is writing another Christmas story, and as [the] report goes, is to get five thousand pounds for it. A handsome price, indeed..View article
Brooklyn Eagle Brooklyn Eagle
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