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Pronunciation of Lughnasadh with 9 audio pronunciations
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Learn Lughnasadh pronunciation with video

    Video Pronunciation of Lughnasadh in English

    Phonetic spelling of Lughnasadh

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    Loo-nah-sa or Lew-na-sa
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    Meanings for Lughnasadh

    Lughnasadh is another word for Lammas, festival of the first harvest or wheat harvest. It begins the season of plenty and is held between August 1st and Sept. 1st. It is one of the four Gaelic seasonal festivals.
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    It is a popular Gaelic festival that marks the beginning of the harvest season earlier in the history it is known to be widely observed throughout Ireland, Scotland, and the Isle of Man.
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    Quiz on Lughnasadh


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    Collections on Lughnasadh

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    Wiki content for Lughnasadh

    Examples of in a sentence

    Sunday Funday: Lughnasadh Edition
    Listen Sunday Funday: Lughnasadh Edition pronunciation
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    Local literary, lyric and laughter event to mark Lughnasadh
    Listen Local literary, lyric and laughter event to mark Lughnasadh pronunciation
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    The Czech town of Nasavrky to host Lughnasadh, an annual festival of Celtic culture
    Listen The Czech town of Nasavrky to host Lughnasadh, an annual festival of Celtic culture pronunciation
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    Translations of Lughnasadh

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    Trending news on Lughnasadh

    The Czech town of Nasavrky to host Lughnasadh, an annual festival of Celtic culture
    Listen The Czech town of Nasavrky to host Lughnasadh, an annual festival of Celtic culture pronunciation
    Celtic culture has many fans in the Czech Republic who annually organize a Lughnasadh harvest festival to celebrate the country’s Celtic roots.
    Radio Radio
    Local literary, lyric and laughter event to mark Lughnasadh
    Listen Local literary, lyric and laughter event to mark Lughnasadh pronunciation
    Athlone Family Resource Centre in conjunction with LipZinc Theatre, Poetry in the Park and Siamsaiocht is hosting Lughnasadh Literary Lyric and Laughter Festival. The first day of August, Lu..View article
    image-unavailable Westmeath Independent
    Sunday Funday: Lughnasadh Edition
    Listen Sunday Funday: Lughnasadh Edition pronunciation
    As we slowly move out of summer and into the fall the air gets crisper and less humid and cooler weather sneaks in here and there. The pagans divided the year into eight pieces rather than t..View article
    Blog for Iowa Blog for Iowa

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    Antonyms for Lughnasadh

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