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Pronunciation of felice with 4 audio pronunciations
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Phonetic spelling of felice

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Meanings for felice

Felice is Latin and means Happy
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It is a Spanish feminine name.
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Wiki content for felice

Examples of in a sentence

Renée Felice Smith husband: Is NCIS LA Nell star married in real life?
Listen Renée Felice Smith husband: Is NCIS LA Nell star married in real life? pronunciation
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Campo Felice behind on $62 million loan, some residents leave or stay in limbo
Listen Campo Felice behind on $62 million loan, some residents leave or stay in limbo pronunciation
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Ashley Felice and Mark Hamilton Candidates Statement for Chatham Township Committee
Listen Ashley Felice and Mark Hamilton Candidates Statement for Chatham Township Committee pronunciation
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Felice Jelmini to make TCR Europe debut at Monza
Listen Felice Jelmini to make TCR Europe debut at Monza pronunciation
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Nicolas Di Felice, a Protégé of Nicolas Ghesquière, Has Been Named Artistic Director of Courrèges
Listen Nicolas Di Felice, a Protégé of Nicolas Ghesquière, Has Been Named Artistic Director of Courrèges pronunciation
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{{phrase.phrase }}
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Trending news on felice

Hamilton, Felice, and the Republican Ticket
Listen Hamilton, Felice, and the Republican Ticket pronunciation
The following is why we must elect Mark Hamilton and Ashley Felice for Chatham Township Committee, as well as the entire slate. First, our Democrat friends have made a mockery of our town wi..View article
image-unavailable TAPinto
Meet Ashley Felice and Mark Hamilton, Candidates for Chatham Township Committee
Listen Meet Ashley Felice and Mark Hamilton, Candidates for Chatham Township Committee pronunciation
Ashley and Mark are both accomplished professionals who have the business acumen that is badly needed on the Township Committee - skills that will promote efficient, responsive, transparent..View article
TAPinto TAPinto
Elijah Felice Rosales
Listen Elijah Felice Rosales pronunciation
THE country’s largest business network on Thursday said firms are now given the room to plan ahead their operations crucial for recovery under the shift to a four-week quarantine. Philippine..View article
image-unavailable BusinessMirror
Courrèges Appoints Nicolas Di Felice as Artistic Director
Listen Courrèges Appoints Nicolas Di Felice as Artistic Director pronunciation
PARIS — Courrèges has appointed Nicolas Di Felice as artistic director, making him the latest member of Nicolas Ghesquière’s inner circle to be put in charge of his own designer brand.
image-unavailable Women's Wear Daily
Two accidents with the same dynamics on the Carlo Felice and the 131 Dcn
Listen Two accidents with the same dynamics on the Carlo Felice and the 131 Dcn pronunciation
Two road accidents occurred today on the 131 and 131 dcn. In the first, which took place at km 55 towards Olbia, the car driven by a woman living in Bitti crashed into the guard rail. The Nu..View article
L'Unione Sarda L'Unione Sarda
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{{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}} image-unavailable {{news_api.provider[0]['name']}}
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