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edouard manet

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    Meanings for edouard manet

    French painter whose work influenced the impressionists (1832-1883)
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    A modern artist of France, who predominantly followed impressionism. 'The Luncheon on the Grass' is one of his very famous works.
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    Quiz on edouard manet


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    Examples of in a sentence

    1 million for Edouard Manet's "Spring," a celebrated portrait of a Parisian actress as an embodiment of the season
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    By Chris Michaud NEW YORK (Reuters) - A celebrated 1881 portrait by French Impressionist Edouard Manet on Wednesday smashed the record for the artist when it sold for $65
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    NEW YORK (Reuters) - French Impressionist painter Edouard Manet's "Le Printemps," which set a world record price for the artist when it sold at auction for $65
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    A stunning 1881 masterpiece by Edouard Manet sold for $65 million at auction in New York, a record for a work by the French impressionist artist
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    An Edouard Manet painting of a woman carrying a parasol sold for $65
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    Trending news on edouard manet

    Review: A Getty show rummages around in Edouard Manet’s private shadows
    Edouard Manet’s imposing 1882 painting of a winsome, weary barmaid at the Folies-Bergère has cast a long shadow across the final years of the artist’s life. Manet died the next year, at age..View article
    Los Angeles Times Los Angeles Times

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