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Wiki content for Beorn

Beorn - Beorn is a fictional character created by J. R. R. Tolkien, and part of his Middle-earth legendarium. He appears in The Hobbit as a "skin-changer", a man who could assume the form of a great
Beonna of East Anglia - Beonna (also known as Beorna) was King of East Anglia from 749. He is notable for being the first East Anglian king whose coinage included both the ruler's name and his title.
Beorn (tardigrade) - Beorn leggi is an extinct species of tardigrades, and the first fossil tardigrade discovered, described in 1964 from Cretaceous amber.
Beornwulf of Mercia - Beornwulf (died 826) was King of Mercia (roughly the Midlands of England) from 823 to 826. His short reign saw the collapse of Mercia's supremacy over the other kingdoms of the Anglo-Saxon He
Beornstan of Winchester - Beornstan (or Byrnstan) was an English Bishop of Winchester. He was consecrated in May 931. He died on 1 November 934. After his death, he was revered as a saint.
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Examples of in a sentence

Beorn's Adventure: 9-year-old shares stories of his around-the-world travels with dad, brother
Listen Beorn's Adventure: 9-year-old shares stories of his around-the-world travels with dad, brother pronunciation
236 ratings rating ratings
Waitman Wade Beorn: I led a platoon in Iraq. Trump is wrong to pardon war criminals.
Listen Waitman Wade Beorn: I led a platoon in Iraq. Trump is wrong to pardon war criminals. pronunciation
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Achievement Guide for Beorn Again
Listen Achievement Guide for Beorn Again pronunciation
202 ratings rating ratings
Waitman Wade Beorn
Listen Waitman Wade Beorn pronunciation
185 ratings rating ratings
Waitman Wade Beorn: You can call the border detention centers ‘concentration camps,’ but apply the history with care
Listen Waitman Wade Beorn: You can call the border detention centers ‘concentration camps,’ but apply the history with care pronunciation
169 ratings rating ratings
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Trending news on Beorn

Visit Beorn's house in this new featurette for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug
Listen Visit Beorn's house in this new featurette for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug pronunciation
One of the characters that many fans are looking forward to seeing on the big screen in THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG is the skin-changer Beorn. The man/bear that has always been a fan..View article
JoBlo.com JoBlo.com
Finally! See the human face of Beorn!
Listen Finally! See the human face of Beorn! pronunciation
It’s one of the things that we’ve been waiting for and waiting for — the opportunity to see what Peter Jackson’s Beorn looks like in human form. From the front. For some this will be a huge..View article
TheOneRing.net TheOneRing.net
New Featurette for THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG Goes Inside Beorn’s House; Plus New Banner
Listen New Featurette for THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG Goes Inside Beorn’s House; Plus New Banner pronunciation
The marketing has kept Beorn (Mikael Persbrandt) under wraps, and for those who don’t know, he’s a “skinchanger”. Warner Bros. has released a new featurette about the character, and Ian McKe..View article
Collider Collider
Beorn Revealed in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Photo
Listen Beorn Revealed in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Photo pronunciation
One of the many things fans are looking forward to in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug is the Beorn, a human/beast shapeshifter that appears in J.R.R. Tolkien's novel. The first photo of..View article
MovieWeb MovieWeb
Beorn In 'The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug' Looks A Glam 80s Werewolf
Listen Beorn In 'The Hobbit: Desolation Of Smaug' Looks A Glam 80s Werewolf pronunciation
Of the sights Tolkien fans have been eagerly waiting to see in "The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug," Beorn might be chief among them. The enormous shapeshifter has always been a fan favorit..View article
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